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East Bergholt Neighbourhood Development Plan
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A massive 96% of voters approved Version 1.1 of the Plan at the referendum which had a 51% turnout.
One of the largest turnouts for a single Neighbourhood Plan referendum. This version of the Plan was made by Babergh District Council on 10 September 2016 and now becomes part of the planning process for East Bergholt.
What is the Plan for?
The Plan has been produced by members of our community over the past three years who have volunteered their time in response to the Government’s localism bill to enable us to shape East Bergholt’s future.
This page gives access to the Plan, Statutory documents, Healthcheck and Examination reports and supporting evidence that has been
submitted to Babergh District Council.
Save for the permitted non-exclusive use of the contents hereof by Babergh District Council for
planning purposes only, the reproduction or transmission of all or part of any of the documents accessible from this page (i.e. the Plan or any
supporting documents or appendices that form this Neighbourhood Development Plan) by any third
party, whether by photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means or otherwise,
without the written permission of the Clerk to East Bergholt Parish Council (, is strictly prohibited.
© 2016 East Bergholt Parish Council. All Rights Reserved
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Statutory Documents
Healthcheck and Examination Reports
Other Documents
The evidence supporting the Neighbourhood Plan is contained in the following appendices: